mardi 29 novembre 2011

"Cancer, vous serez constamment au four et au moulin."

"Cancers this week, always
at the mill and at the oven"
a french way of saying
you'll have too much to do.
! get some sleep !

lundi 28 novembre 2011

toujours bien la brocante rue de bretagne

the usual flea market on Bretagne Street
this  last weekend. it's ALWAYS a good one.
twice a year. plenty of good stuff.
: preljocaj et millepied :
beautiful ad for air france here
: arno, gondry, cocker :
beautiful ad for eurostar here

dimanche 27 novembre 2011

the computer says no

today a post for my dear friend claire
who loves tapestries and "little britain".
the gypsy says yes,
you'll be friends for a long time

jeudi 24 novembre 2011

un post pour toi ma colombe

a post for my dear sister
whose name means "dove"
sometimes we call her gerta
but that's a loooong story.
plenty of beautiful drawings on

dimanche 20 novembre 2011

vendredi 18 novembre 2011

my sister colombe moves in

and my sister in law iris 
drops eucalyptus oil on stones
at night - it works great.
very soon my pictures in

mercredi 16 novembre 2011

Vierge, superbe configuration cette semaine. Foncez !

!! but jean-paul goude will last forever !!
rétrospective à l'UCAD
11 novembre - 18 mars
virgo, nothing can stop you this week
just run ahead

lundi 14 novembre 2011

persistance du mauvais temps sur l'est

more bad weather on the east today
and my pictures of lili scratchy's house
in papier mâché are finally out !

vendredi 11 novembre 2011


11.11.11, we meet at 11.11 AM in rotterdam
... this car as a present he would like for sure ...
and in french ELLE today :
more of my fashion week pictures 

dimanche 6 novembre 2011

hier shooting, cosmopolitan

yesterday, on a shooting for cosmopolitan.
one of the models there, a musician, 
had some incredible mermaid louboutin shoes :
she glued herself, one by one, all these tiny 
swarovski crystals on the satin...
very unique and very beautiful